Some may even determine whether a character lives or dies, leading to multiple endings as well. This isn’t to say it’s laid-back or mundane – many choices will be remembered by certain characters and influence events later on. You might have to move your cursor over something here and there but for the most part, this is a game built on making choices. The Walking Dead – and Telltale’s overall gaming formula for that matter – features a hefty amount of action but in the form of quick time sequences.

That’s a whole lot of drama to manage and it’s an incredible deal for those who want to dip into the universe before committing. It’s all fairly standard but for the first time, A New Frontier’s first episode will comprise of two parts. Clementine returns and is seen caring for an orphan named AJ when she crosses paths with Javier. In the case of Ties That Bind, we have new character Javier whose father has passed away. Each new episode in a Telltale Games title lasts a few hours and ably sets up events for the rest of the season.